You may have read there’s a new batch of WAA directors. Eight of the existing directors have returned. Deciding not to return were four great analytics professionals:
The April rains washed in four new, wide-eyed, idealistic directors:
To those WAA members who voted for me, thank you. To the WAA members who didn’t vote for me, I hope I’ll earn your respect. To the analytics professionals that aren’t WAA members — we should talk!
As an aside – it’s going to be interesting being part of this new group. All four of us are VPs in good-sized organizations, and probably used to “calling the shots” to some degree. Working with a non-profit organization of dedicated professionals, all of whom volunteer out of their passion for the industry, is going to be a great learning experience.
Our debut board meeting was in Boston, the day after the WAA Boston Symposium. The first item on the agenda was an orientation for the new folks (all board members attended, except for Jim Sterne who had a prior commitment). After sitting like good newbies for all of maybe 15 minutes, one of us (name redacted to protect the innocent) politely but firmly started asking pointed questions like “what are the success targets? Where are the metrics? etc.” We hadn’t even gotten to basics like how the association conducts its business and already people are demanding data. Smiles all around! The next few hours continued something of the same – materials had been prepared, but we had questions and went straight to them. Prior to the meeting I wondered if the board had some kind of hazing ritual for the new folks, but I think the existing board was on the receiving end of a lot of the hazing. Suffice to say I do not think the four new directors are going to be passive wallflowers.
As I get deeper into it, I’ll try to provide regular updates here – not on official business, there’s already a web site for that, and a monthly newsletter. Obviously, I’m only speaking for myself. Instead I’ll look at whether or not I’m doing anything useful as a director. If the only time you hear from me is when I want to get elected, that’s too late, eh?
Meanwhile, and as always, I’m interested in your questions, comments and observations about the WAA.